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organic green smoothie for breakfast for kids nutrition

With the current trends in processed food and junk food, it’s natural for parents to worry about their kids’ health and nutrition. There are daily nutritional requirements that must be met in order for your kids to stay healthy and active. There are also vitamins and minerals that enhances mental function to help them stay alert and productive academically.

The vitamins and minerals that your child needs can easily be found in fruits and vegetables as well as legumes. The problem is, kids just hate eating healthy food in general. Usually, in the morning, you won’t get enough time to fix up something healthy and delicious that they’d eat without a fight. Most of the time, what happens is that we tend to leave our kids’ nutrition up to school meals.

However, can we really trust the schools to provide our kids with the nutrients that they need?

Statistics show that most schools offer processed food to the students because it’s economical and more appetizing. The most common school lunches include French fries and chicken fingers – definitely cheaper to serve than fresh vegetables and fruits. A recent research from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health also concluded that when students are served healthy food on their lunch trays, only 6 out of 10 actually eat it.

This is an upsetting truth and we really need to deal with it.

Your child might not even be getting half of the nutrition that they need, isn’t it disturbing?


How much vegetables exactly do your children need on a daily basis?

The answer is not so simple. The recommended daily nutritional intake varies depending on your child’s age or gender.

However, generally, a cup of fruits and ¾ cup of vegetables will be enough for a one-year-old. As they grow older, the nutritional requirements also increase. For instance, at 4 to 8 years old, they need at least a cup of fruits and a cup of vegetables. For children ages 9 to 13, they’ll need a cup-and-a-half of fruits and for girls, two cups of vegetables. For boys, they need a little bit more, so 2-and-a-half-cups of vegetables is ideal. For adolescents, girls need 1.5 cups of fruits and 2.5 cups of vegetables while boys require a bit more at 2 cups of fruits and 3 cups of vegetables.

Daunting, isn’t it? Can you imagine getting your child to eat cup after cup of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis? For most parents, that is nothing but a fantasy; an impossibility.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are unappetizing especially when the kids’ point of comparison include bacon, ham, hotdogs, fried chicken and other processed food. This is why a lot of children today are obese: they don’t get proper nutrition. Instead of nutrients they get only empty calories, fats and cholesterol.

So how can you ensure that your kids are getting the nutrition that they need? You can’t really force fresh vegetables down their throats. Fortunately, you can now get vegetables in powder form, without having to sacrifice their nutritional components. PhytoBLAST is a nutritious green powder that kids love. With PhytoBLAST, getting your kids properly nourished everyday will be a piece of cake.

The choice on what you feed your kids is yours. Would you take chances with your kids’ nutrition?

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